Sam and the Sticky Situation (A Book about Whining)

Price: $16.99

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Sam and the Sticky Situation helps children understand why they whine and how to form better habits through biblical wisdom.

Sam’s sister wants to play a game, but Sam is too busy whining. He whines about everything and finds himself in a sticky situation—literally! As Sam learns to be grateful and to trust God, he discovers that whining doesn’t get him very far.

All parents want their children to whine less and be grateful, but may not notice their own bad habits. Best-selling author Ginger Hubbard and Al Roland show families the way forward with a vivid picture of how whining impacts everyone and how gratitude can set us free. A parent resource page presents a biblical framework and practical suggestions to help children understand why they whine and how to communicate in a more loving way.

  • Families will learn to be grateful instead of whining.
  • Bright, fun illustrations and engaging story for children ages 4-7.
  • Second book in the Teaching Children to Use Their Words Wisely series.
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